Paying a sum of money annually for credit card charges may be a matter of cost maximizing plan for your low-income pocket. Consumers are keenly looking for a credit card with no annual fee because of various benefits. Having a credit card is not just about paying the money. It has also been an excellent way to earn rewards and cashback. Some credit card companies also are offering a cost-effective plan to minimize some hassle. We are giving the top 10 list of the best rewards credit card with no annual fee and their services, rates, and fees.
Top 10 Best Reward Credit Cards With No Annual Fee
1. American Express Cash Magnet Card
American Express Cash Magnet card can be a good deal when you want to earn reward points with no annual fee.
- Rewards: You can earn unlimited 1.5 percent cash back for every purchase made anywhere. Statement credit is an important issue. Luckily you can earn $150 as a statement credit. But the condition is you need to use $1000 for purchasing anything within three months of starting the account.
- Other Benefits: Some exciting features of this card include extended warranty coverage, return coverage, car rental loss, damage insurance, and travel accident insurance.
- Additional Features: $0 plan fees for the first 15 months after being a member which will allow you to split up the higher purchases with monthly payments with a fixed fee.
- For U.S. Customer Only: American Express Cash Magnet Card is available in the USA. According to the 2018 report, there are 1.6 million places where the service of this card is available.
- No Annual Fee: No Annual Fee is expected from the cardholder. But good or excellent credit is required to get the features of this credit card.
Rates and Fees
- Annual Fee-$0
- Purchase Intro APR (Annual Percentage Rate)-0% for purchase in 15 months
- Balance transfer Intro APR-0% on Balance Transfer for the first 15 months
- Balance Transfer Fee-$5 or 3% of the amount for every transfer (Whichever is greater)
- Cash Advance Fee-$5 or 3% of the amount of each cash advance
- Foreign Transaction Fee-2.7% for each transaction
2. Discover it Miles: Rewards Credit Card
For travelers, this credit card is an excellent choice because it offers rewards for every mile traveled and one can enjoy the service of this card without paying any annual fee.
- Rewards: It is 1.5 miles for every dollar when you are using this card. This calculation is done at year-end and you can match how long miles you have earned. If it is about 30,000 miles traveled, you can get 60,000 miles. It is a total of $600 reward from travel.
- Earn Rewards: There are no blackout dates that spoil the rewards. One can travel and fly any airline and any hotel.
- FICO Credit Score: There is no doubt that a good credit score can be worth adding value to the status of your transaction. This credit card has a FICO credit score which enables one to have a good history of credit scores.
- No Annual Fee: You don’t have to be worried to pay the annual cost of the credit card. This cardholder can enjoy completely no annual fee.
- Security: Using this credit card is much safe because there are millions of websites that may cheat you. Luckily Discover has a vigilant eye on those websites to make sure you are going to the exact place to buy this credit card. You can receive social security alerts to make you safe.
Rates and Fees
- Annual Fee: $0
- Purchase Intro APR: 0% for 14 months
- APR: 14.24%-25.24% variable after the first 14 months
- Balance Transfer Intro APR: 10.99% for 14 months
- Balance Transfer Fee: 3%
- Foreign Transaction Fee: None
3. Chase Freedom Rewards Credit Card
Chase Freedom is a credit card that offers you rewards and no annual fee. It is one of the most popular credit cards in the USA.
- Rewards: It ensures cashback of up to 5% on the basis of combined purchases. This one can be a good deal to stay with earning. Also 1% percent cashback is easy to pile in your pocket for any other purchases. Bonus makes us happy. When you are spending $500 for any purchase in the first three months, you can avail $150. There are different benefits, warranty issues, and zero liability protection.
- Get Cash Back: Spending $1,500 makes an excellent earning that is 5% cash back in any combined purchase in bonus categories per quarter you may activate. Unlimited cashback is really adding money to your pocket. This cardholder can earn unlimited 1% cash back for any other purchase.
- Redeemable Rewards: This cashback as a reward is solely yours. This cannot be expired as long as your account is activated. Additionally, there is no minimum charge to redeem the cashback.
- No Annual Fee: If you are a cardholder of Chase Freedom, you don’t have to pay an annual fee. It is completely free for the whole year.
- Safety and Security: You get unlimited access to your credit score and more. even if you are not and it is completely free.
- No Annual Fee: Annual Fees may cost from your pocket but this card has no issue to pay annual fees which can add to your pocket some money.
Rates and Fees
- Annual Fee: $0
- Purchase Intro APR: 0% on purchase for 15 months
- Balance Transfer Intro APR: 0% intro APR on Balance Transfer for 15 months
- Balance Transfer fee: $5 or 3% of the amount for every transfer
- Cash Advance Fee: $10 or 5% of the amount for every transaction
- Foreign Transaction Fee: 3% for every transaction in the U.S. Dollars
4. Discover it Cash Back: Rewards Credit Card
Discover it Cashback is one of the most popular credit cards in the USA. It has some exciting features. It offers excellent rewards with no annual fee.
- Rewards: Discover it cash back provides you with 5% cash back at various places for each quarter like gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants, and which is up to the quarterly maximum each time you activate. Additionally, you can earn unlimited 1% cash back for any other purchases automatically. Discover it cash back matches all of the cash back earned by you at the end of the year and it is matched automatically.
- Rewards Redeemable: More immortally, this cashback never expires from your account. You can redeem in any amount and at any time. However, it is one of the popular rewards credit cards with no annual fee. Discover credits the account with a cashback bonus balance when the account is closed or has not been consecutively 18 months. To get more information, you need to learn rewards terms and conditions.
- Discover Identity Alerts: Discover Identity Alerts service is at no cost. But the services are very important to make sure you are safe. There is daily monitoring of your Expire credit report and an alert is going to you when a new account is listed on your report. Discover monitors thousands of risky websites for revealing your personal information and sends you an alert when your social security number is found on these risky websites. Initially, a card master needs to agree with online to receive discover identity alerts.
- Cashback Match: There is no minimum purchase. After the first 12 billing periods when your account is open. Discover matches all of the cash-back rewards earned on the basis of application in the following one or two billing periods.
- Freezing Account: You may freeze your account. In this case, new purchases, cash advances, and balance transfers are not authorized. But you can enjoy some activities like bills that merchants as returning as well as returns, credits, dispute management, payments, etc.
- Fico Credit Score terms: Discover maintains credit scores very effectively. Fico’s credit score is the key factor for your credit history. Your score, some factors, and any type of credit information are available on The cardholder can check out the all information about credit here with this service.
- Use rewards at Your cashback can be used at amazon. com, amazon affiliation purposes the amazon logo which is a registered trademark of amazon Inc.
- No Annual Fee: Annual Fee can be troublesome in most cases. You have to keep a balance on your credit card to make sure this card is being charged annually. Luckily this card has no issue to pay the annual fee.
Rates and Fees
- Annual Fee: $0
- Purchase Intro APR: 0% for the first 14 months
- APR: 14.24%-25.24% variable after the first 14 months
- Balance Transfer Intro APR: 0% for 14 Months
- Balance Transfer Fee: 3%
- Foreign Transaction Fee: None
5. Hilton Honors American Express Card
Hilton Honors American Express is a credit card that offers no annual fee and some exciting rewards offer. This card is available in the US Market and can be convenient in any way. Some features go on-
- Rewards: You can earn 75,000 Hilton Honors Bonus Points with this card from the start of this card within 3 months. Even, you can earn 7X Hilton Honors Bonus for spending a dollar in the hotel or resort within the Hilton Honors Portfolio of brands. Also, you can earn 5X Hilton Bonus Points for spending each dollar at a U.S. restaurant, U.S. supermarket, and U.S. Gas Station. For any eligible purchase, a 3X Hilton Honors Bonus point is achievable.
- No Foreign transaction Fee: Hilton Honors American Express Card offers a no foreign transaction fee. You can enjoy international travel and purchase anything abroad with no additional fees.
- Complimentary Silver Status: When you are the cardholder of the Hilton Honors American Express card, you have the chance to enjoy complimentary Hilton Honors Silver Status. You need to spend $20,000 for purchase in a calendar year and you will be upgraded to Hilton Honors Gold Status through the end of the next calendar.
- No Annual Fee: Hilton Honors American Express card offers you their service but you don’t have to pay any annual fee.
Rates and Fees
- Annual Fee: $0
- APR: 17.99% to 26.99% variable
- Penalty APR: 29.99%
- Balance Transfer Fee: Either $5 or 3% of the amount of each transfer whichever is greater
- Cash Advance Fee: Either $5 or 3% of the amount of each cash advance whichever is greater
- Foreign Transaction Fee: $0
6. Blue Cash Everyday Card from American Express
Blue Cash Every day is a credit card that offers no annual fee. It is one of the credit cards that provides you with a lot of rewards when you are spending in Supermarkets, gas stations, and U.S. department stores.
- Rewards: Blue cash every day always provides excellent rewards and it has some plans that you may avail of rewards.
- 3% cash back at U.S supermarkets for purchasing. Additionally, there is 1% cash back on up to $6,000 per year.
- 2% cash back in the place of U.S. Gas stations and it is unlimited rewards. You have to select a U.S. department store and 1% back for other purchases.
- Credit Statement: A credit statement is another good feature. You can earn a $150 statement credit after spending $1,000 for purchasing within 3 months from the opening date of the card.
- Other benefits: When you will have this card, there are more benefits which include fraud protection, car rental loss, damage insurance and roadside assistance, and travel accident insurance.
- Receiving rewards: Cash back can be received as reward dollars. It is also easy to redeem for the purpose of statement credits, gift cards, and merchandise.
- No Annual Fee: When the annual fee may be a big issue to load the card, you can have this card without any annual fee.
Rates and fees
- Annual Fee: $0
- Purchase Intro APR: 0% on purchase for the first 15 months
- Balance Transfer Intro APR: 0% for first 15 months
- APR: 15.24%-26.24% variable after 15 months
- Balance Transfer Fee: $5 or 3% of the amount for each transfer whichever is greater
- Cash Advance Fee: $5 or 3% of the amount for each cash advance (whichever is greater)
- Foreign Transaction Fee: 2.7% for every transaction that will be in US dollars
7. Capital One SavorOne sm Cash Rewards Credit Card
Capital One SavorOne Cash Rewards Credit has also some exciting features in terms of getting rewards with no annual fee. This cardholder can enjoy rewards in the field of dining entertainment, grocery stores, and any purchases.
- Rewards: It is easy to earn a one-time $150 cash bonus when you are spending $500 for any purchase within 3 months from the opening date of the account. You can earn unlimited 3% cash back when you are spending on dining and entertainment and 2% cash back in the grocery stores. More importantly, 1% can be earned for all other purchases.
- No fee for foreign transactions: This cardholder can enjoy no foreign transaction fee which can be a big deal to continuing foreign transactions.
- Rewards Redeemable: There is no issue to be worried that your reward is going to be expired. Additionally, three is no rotating categories and sign-ups to earn cash-back rewards. More importantly, cashback will never be lost for the life of the account. You can earn rewards as you go.
- Annual Fee: You can buy this credit card in order to pay no annual fee. This card has no annual charge.
Rates and fees
- Annual Fee: $0
- Purchase Intro APR: 0% intro for purchase for the first 15 months
- APR: 16.24%-26.24% variable after the first 15 months
- Balance Transfer Intro APR: 0% intro for balance transfer for the first 15 months
- Balance Transfer fee: 3%
- Cash Advance Fee: 3% of the amount for the cash advance which is not less than $10
- Foreign Transaction Fee: $0
8. Discover it Chrome
Discover it Chrome is a credit card that has so many features in terms of rewards and no annual fee. When you don’t want to pay an annual fee and also want to get cash rewards, this one can be a good deal to go.
Rewards: Rewards are available when you are going discover them on chrome. You can easily earn 2% cash back at a gas station or any restaurant by spending up to $1000 which may be combined purchase quarterly. Additionally, you can earn unlimited 1% cash back for any other purchase.
- Receiving rewards: You don’t have to worry that your cashback is expiring. This cashback is redeemable for any amount even at any time. Your cashback is matched at the end of the year. For this, there is no issue with signing up and there is no limit on how much is matched.
- Only for U.S. Customers: The service offered by this card is 100% U.S.-based customer service.
- Free Credit Scorecard: You use this card and you are lucky enough to get a free credit scorecard powered by FICO credit score with a number of recent inquiries and more.
- Safety and Security: This card has a free alert that easily can notify you if your social security number is available on any risky website. This free alert also informs you about credit news, mortgage loan, or car loan.
- Freezing the account: Within a second, the account can be frozen to stop the new purchase with the help of a mobile app or online.
- Annual Fee: Annual fee is $0. It is peace of mind that you are using the service but don’t have to pay a yearly charge that many credit card companies collect from the cardholder.
Rates and Fee
- Annual Fee: $0
- Purchase Intro APR: 0% for 14 months
- APR: 14.24%-25.24% variable after the first 14 months
- Balance Transfer Intro APR: 0% for 14 months
- Balance Transfer Fee: 3%
- Foreign Transaction Fee: None
9. Wells Fargo Visa Signature Card
Wells Fargo Visa Credit Card is a credit card with no annual fee and rewards are earned for everyday purchases. Rewards come on the basis of points per dollar.
- Rewards: There is an exciting rewards system for the cardholder. The cardholder can earn 5X for spending up to $12,500 in the field of gas, grocery, and drugstores within 6 months from the opening date of the account. 1X points can be earned for 5 years for other purchases. The card offers one point per dollar spent. This point can be redeemed for hotel stays, cruises, car rentals, gifts, cashback, and more. If this point is redeemed for airfare, it can add 50 percent value.
- Travel Accident Insurance: The cardholder can have travel accident insurance. It is a good feature of this card. They offer insurance when you are an active user of this card.
- Get FICO credit score: There is free access to your FICO credit score when you are an active account user of this card.
- No Annual Fee: It can be the best option to pay no annual fee. Luckily this card has an annual fee that can add some to your pocket.
Rates and Fees
- Annual Fee: $0
- Balance Transfer Intro APR: 0% for the first 15 months
- Balance Transfer fee: $5 or 3% of the amount (whichever is greater)
- Cash Advance Fee: $10 or 5% of the amount whichever is greater
- Foreign Transaction fee: 3% for every transaction Converted to U.S. Dollars
10. Capital One Vetureone Rewards Credit Card
Capital One VentureOne rewards credit card is known as having no annual fee with excellent features of rewards. This can be a good deal to go with this card.
- Rewards: You can earn a bonus of 20,000 miles when you are spending $1,000 on purchases within 3 months from the opening date of the account. Every day it is possible to earn 1.25X miles for everyday purchases. You also can earn 10x miles for thousands of hotels. You can transfer miles to leading travel loyalty programs.
- No blackout date: You fly any place with any airline with no blackout date. Additionally, you can stay at any hotel at any time without any blackout dates.
- Rewards Redeemable: Miles will never expire for the whole life of the account even if there is no limit to earning miles.
- Annual Fee: Luckily there is no annual fee that may cost from your pocket. This one can be a smart choice to go.
Rates and Fees
- Annual Fee: $0
- Purchase Intro APR: 0% on purchase for the first 12 months
- APR: 14.24%-24.24% variable after the first 12 months
- Balance Transfer Fee: $0
- Cash Advance fee: 3% of the amount of the cash advance which is not less than $10
- Foreign Transaction Fee: None
Which credit card gives the best travel rewards?
There are a lot of credit card Company that offers amazing travel rewards. It is also a big question of which credit card gives the best travel rewards that add value and increase cash in spite of spending.
Discover it Miles is one of the great credit cards that offer very high-level travel rewards. One can earn an unlimited 1.5 miles for spending per dollar. This can be a good deal to choose to ensure the best travel rewards indeed.
Is paying an annual fee for a credit card worth it?
Paying an annual fee has always disadvantages for the cardholder. They have to keep the balance on the card. So going with some credit cards with no annual fee is worth adding value to your life. Surely carrying no annual fee can add solvency that improves personal finance in many ways.
Improvement of credit score can be a way of increasing financial condition. As the cardholders don’t have to pay the cost or charge of the credit, it can add to the balance of the cardholder. There is some card company that has annual fee like $95, $550, or more. This cost can be saved when you are going with a credit card with no annual fee.
The cardholder who is using a credit card with no annual fee will surely have peace of mind. Paying monthly or yearly adds tightness to the balance and also forces one to manage money on the credit card to pay the charge. Luckily you don’t have to be worried about the card with no annual fee.
How can I avoid paying my credit card annual fee?
For cardholders who are suffering from paying the annual fees may want to switch to an annual fee credit card. This is a simple process that you can avoid paying your credit card annual fee.
- First, you should know the points as you want to switch to another credit card that has no annual fee. In some cases, points are forfeited or lost. So you need to try to make it clear that your points or rewards will remain in your loyalty membership account.
- In most cases, people may not downgrade the present condition. You have to give up some facilities which are available to present cards. These facilities may not be available to the card with no annual fee. You have to discuss this with the card issuer to make it clear.
Final Outline
You may have a bad experience in paying a yearly charge for using a credit card. This also increases your spending and making you in trouble in terms of solvency. At this time, it is a really good decision to look for the best rewards credit card with no annual fee. There are also some credit cards that offer the best rewards and get no annual fee. These credit cards top the list as the best rewards credit card without an annual fee.