If you have a bad credit history, you will realize that there are challenges getting approved for a cell phone contract. Most of the cell phone companies will do a credit check to ascertain that you can make regular monthly payments for their service. The good thing is that you are not out of luck since you can get a cell phone financing bad credit individuals. These companies will accept your contract regardless of your credit history. Some of those providers still offer a cell phone for free from government.
In addition, cell phone companies for bad credit do not require money upfront or regular payments on a monthly basis. All you need is a contract from the provider and the device becomes yours! Today, cell phones have become significant in virtually every aspect of life where the internet and smartphones are at the heart of major transactions. Therefore, getting to know cell phone companies that can keep you connected without credit restrictions is a great thing, particularly for individuals with bad credit history.
In essence, if you have less than stellar credit history, it means getting cell phone deals no contract required providers. Deals from these bad credit phone plans often include all data usage, talk-time, and texts. However, be ready to pay an extra line access fee. This charge is for every cell phone you will need to connect to their plan. If you buy the phone on a two-year contract, the fee is often inflated. While you are not supposed to incur separate monthly charges, the fee is added to the cell phone plan for which you opt. In the end, you are going to pay the same amount as a consumer paying monthly charges individually. In fact, a two-year payment schedule will translate to making twenty four monthly payments, which can be slightly higher because of bundling up costs to your cell phone plan.
Top 10 Companies Offer Cell Phone Financing With Bad Credit
Verizon, T&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile are all cell phone plans that don’t need you to do a credit check. Since these providers carry different terms and conditions plus features on their plans, you will want to select one that matches your requirements. As you look through the list below, be sure to compare the plans based on the offers available. Some of the cell phone financing bad credit come with anything between 500MB and 10GB data every month in their plans.
1. Verizon AllSet Prepaid Plans
If you would like to pay as you go instead of settling for a credit check, consider this plan from Verizon wireless. The plan comes with different phone-based offers. Therefore, depending on the kind of phone you have, you will pay $35 per month for limitless countrywide talk time and texts, plus an extra 500MB. This offer is primarily for basic phones.
For smartphones, you can choose to pay $45 per month and receive unrestricted text and talk time plus 1 GB internet data every month. This is compatible with a wide range of smartphones including top iPhones and Samsung Galaxy phones. In case the 1 GB monthly data is not sufficient, consumers can always purchase more data. The price of data usually depends on the plan. You can also bring your own phone to this plan.
2. AT&T GoPhone Plans
Just as the name suggests, AT&T GoPhone Plans are perfect for consumers looking for prepaid plans. You can pay on the go with three programs available under this plan:
- The basic plan covers basic phones at $45 monthly.
- Nationwide unlimited talk time and free texts
- 5 GB monthly data with 3G speeds
- The $35 monthly basic phone plan
- No data offer
- Unlimited texts and calls countrywide
- The $45 monthly smartphone plan
- Nationwide unlimited talk time and free texts
- 5 GB monthly data with 4G LTE speeds
If the data provided in your plan is not enough, you can buy extra data in increments of 500MB. For every 500MB increment, you will pay $10 under the $45 plan.
3. T-Mobile Simply Prepaid
T-Mobile comes as one of the significant players in the industry with highly competitive plans compared to what we have on the list. For instance, this provider has a universal plan that works with all phones whether smartphones or basic ones.
- The $40 monthly universal plan
- Unlimited texts
- Unlimited data with 3G speeds
- 1 GB data at 4G LTE speeds
- Unlimited talk time
Customers get to enjoy the universal plan’s unlimited offers only on the T-Mobile network.
- The $50 monthly plan
- Unlimited 3G speeds data
- Limited 3GB data at 4G LTE speeds
- Unlimited talk time
- Unlimited texts
- The $60 monthly plan
- Unlimited 3G speeds data
- Limited 5GB data at 4G LTE speeds
- Unlimited talk time
- Unlimited texts
- Limited 5GB data at 4G LTE speeds
T-Mobile has an exclusive offer for people with bad credit. If you are consistent with monthly prepaid payments for at least one year, it means graduating into their New Smartphone Equality program. Under this program, you can get a smartphone at highly affordable upfront rates.
4. Sprint Prepaid
Sprint also carries prepaid plans for poor credit consumers who are trying to avoid a bad credit check. In addition, the program works with all phones and delivers some pretty competitive features.
- The $35 monthly plan
- Unlimited talk time
- Unlimited texts
- 1 GB data at 4G LTE speeds
- The $45 monthly plan
- Unlimited talk time
- Unlimited texts
- 3 GB data at 4G LTE speeds
- The $55 monthly plan
- Unlimited talk time
- Unlimited texts
- 6 GB data at 4G LTE speeds
For this plan, nevertheless, you will get a limited range of smartphones to choose from. Further still, you only get to obtain older Samsung Galaxy phones and iPhones. That notwithstanding, it delivers great bargains on data, which makes it quite attractive.
5. TextNow Wireless 2 GB LTE
Little known TextNow Wireless comes with splendid offers for those that cannot access other plans due to bad credit.
- The $20 monthly plan
- No unlimited talk time
- Unlimited texts
- 2 GB data at 4G LTE speeds
Even though the plan announces that they have unlimited data, only the first 2 GB comes with 4G LTE speeds. Beyond that, you will get 3G speeds on your data. This plan also works for individuals with GSM or Sprint CDMA phones. It means they are unavailable to other network users.
6. Tello Plans
Tello carries 23 phones on its plan, featuring the latest iPhones and Samsung Galaxy phones. This is a great plan if you do not intend to go through a credit check but need a low budget product.
- The $10 monthly plan
- 200 minutes talk time
- Unlimited texts
- 500 MB data
- The $11 monthly plan
- 300 minutes talk time
- Unlimited texts
- 500 MB data
- The $12 monthly plan
- 300 minutes talk time
- Unlimited texts
- 1 GB data
Tello plans are available to consumers on the Sprint network.
7. Xfinity Mobile by the Gig
To qualify for this plan, you need to be a subscriber of the Xfinity internet. If you are not a member then be sure to subscribe in order to leverage on the incredible opportunity offered by this plan.
- The $12 monthly plan
- Unlimited talk time
- Unlimited texts
- 1 GB data
Each 1GB additional purchase comes at a cost of $12 per month.
8. Spectrum Mobile by the Gig
Spectrum Mobile by the Gig is also available to members of Spectrum internet.
- The $14 monthly plan
- Unlimited talk time
- Unlimited texts
- 1 GB data
Every additional 1 GB of data costs $14 per month.
9. Twigby
Twigby plan is available on CDMA networks nationwide. It comes with over 30 phones including the latest Samsung Galaxy devices as well as iPhones. To subscribe to the program, consumers have to pay $2.99 upfront, before they start paying $15 monthly subscriptions thereafter.
- The $15 monthly plan
- 300 minutes talk time
- Unlimited texts
- 1 GB data
10. US Mobile
The US Mobile plan will work with any phone that is 4G LTE GSM supported. However, you need to make an upfront deposit of $3.99 and $16 monthly thereafter.
- The $16 monthly plan
- 300 minutes talk time
- No unlimited texts
- 500 MB high-speed data
Consumers with bad credit ratings do not want to have a credit check done on them. This is because a hard inquiry often leads to credit scores dropping even further. Therefore, since you do not want to end up with a worse credit rating than you already have, the best thing is to get companies for 03.
However, the above list is a silver lining to all your credit issues relating to cell phones. There are other companies as well, providing no credit check cell phone plans with no deposit. Depending on whom you sign up with, you may or may not get penalized for not consenting to a credit check. Most times, however, everything will go smoothly.
Alternatives Way To Get Cell Phone Financing With Bad Credit
Having looked at various cell phone companies that do not need a credit check or a security deposit, here are other options to consider if you want a cell phone plan with no credit check.
Get a Cosigner for your Contract
Some of the best companies for cell phone financing bad credit often ask for a cosigner. Basically, this is someone who signs the contract with you to provide surety that you will be making the payments for the cell phone plan. In case you default on payments, it is the cosigner’s responsibility to ensure that the services are paid for.
You can have anyone for a cosigner, provided their credit is good.
Sign up for a Family Plan
A family plan is easier to subscribe to when looking at a poor credit rating. You simply have to join someone else’s family plan. On average, family plans range between $40 and $50 every month. Doing this will avoid a credit check altogether.
Use Someone Else’s Account as an Authorized User
If you have a friend or colleague that trusts you enough, you can use their account as an authorized user. Some of the cell phone companies will allow you to register the account under someone else’s name. The company will then use the account owner’s credit score to approve your contract.
You can then make changes to the account based on the kind of services you intend to subscribe to. It is important to make timely payments when using this option. Failing to make payments as indicated in the contract will affect the owner of the authorizing account. In this regarding, using someone’s account is not so different from cosigning. Timely payments will also increase the account owner’s credit scores and not your own.
Improve your Credit
The most straightforward way to get approval for a contract is to improve your credit ratings. You will need about six months to a year to grow your scores to average or above average. Once you have a good credit record, you can apply for the regular cell phone plans without worries.
Consider paying a Security Deposit
You may still get a cell phone plan without credit checks. Some of the companies for cell phone financing bad credit often allow you to forego a credit check but require you to make a security deposit in its place. Be careful since some providers will still run a credit check on top of the security deposit.
Usually, you will have to pay for the smartphone in full as well as make a refundable deposit each time you buy a line under the plan. You will then be considered a post-paid customer. Some of the carriers often have harsh restrictions for bad credit consumers. It is best to shop around for cell phone providers that will treat like any other regular customers.
Try a Prepaid Service
The prepaid wireless service is another great option for bad credit consumers. In this setup, you will pay in advance for any service the cell phone company provides. As such, you will not be carrying any unpaid balances in your account. Although this doesn’t seem so much of a convenience, in the face of less-than-stellar credit ratings, it is a sure bet.
Prepaid customers are required to pay for their devices in full. In addition, you will not be eligible for subsidies like other post-paid consumers. However, purchasing a low to a mid-range smartphone can get you some great discounts.
The Bottom Line
There are countless opportunities for individuals who need a good cell phone plan with bad credit ratings. High competition among telecom companies has made some companies start providing cell phone financing bad credit offers. It is important, nonetheless, that you check through different offers for one that suits your needs. This is because individual cell phone service providers have different terms and conditions, features, and pricing structures.