A credit card helps you to borrow money from a bank or financial institution for making purchases. A credit card is widely accepted and more convenient to carry than cash and checks. As it does provide huge benefits, you may think to apply for a credit card. The application process can be tedious if you do not know which card will be beneficial for you or the best fit for your present financial situation. But thanks to banking institutions or credit card Company, they offer pre-qualified credit card for the potential customers and this pre-qualified credit card helps you to figure out the more targeted mix of credit cards.
If you are pre-qualify for a credit card then you will be able to know exactly which credit card you can get that does not affect your credit score. However, pre-qualify for a credit card means, that the potential customers are primarily qualified for the card that means their credit profiles has observed by the banks on a basic way using soft pulls. Soft pulls help banks to decide whether the customer had qualified for their credit cards and for this, your credit score does not affect. Based on the soft pull, the Banks figure out the potential customers and can give advertisements to the customer online saying you are pre-qualified for the cards.
Benefits of a Pre-qualify Credit Card
You will get some advantages if you are pre-qualifying for a credit card. The main advantages are:
- You will be able to find a more targeted card offer.
- Get more variety of cards that you will probably qualify for.
- Proof eligibility by soft inquiry.
- Avoid hard inquiries when you applying for credit cards.
- Pre-qualify does not affect your credit score.
About Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo is the fourth largest Bank in the world’s by their market capitalization, also serves 4rth largest banks in the USA by total assets. They are providers of banking and commercial financial services, mortgage, credit cards, and many other services. Wells Fargo has provided a variety of credit cards and each card has its own benefits. To obtain these cards you have to maintain a good credit score as Wells Fargo has set credit limits for getting their card. For example, you need at least 700 to 749 credit score for Cash Wise Visa, Platinum, and Propel American Express cards. If you have a low credit score, you will be qualifying for the Cash Back College Card. Wells Fargo also has an age limit that means users must be at least 18 years old to qualify for a credit card.

Wells Fargo Credit Cards And Their Facilities
Wells Fargo has a different credit card with lots of benefits. Let’s see the cards they offer:
1. Wells Fargo Propel American Express® Card
- 20k bonus points on $1k spending in the first 3 months.
- $ 200 cash redemption or release value
- 3x points for eating and ordering of gas stations, rideshares, transit, flights, hotels, homestays, and car rentals.
- 1x points for other spending
- $ 0 annual fee.
2. Wells Fargo Cash Wise Visa® Card
- $150 cash rewards bonus on $500 spending in the first 3 months.
- 5% unlimited cash reward on the purchases
- $ 0 annual fee.
3. Wells Fargo Visa Signature® Card
- Earned 5x rewards points on up to $12,500 spent in the first 6 months based on gas, grocery, and drugstore purchases.
- 1x reward points on other purchases.
- Earned points can enjoy 5 years.
- 50% redemption value on Airfare.
- $0 annual fee.
4. Wells Fargo Rewards® Card
- Earned 5x rewards points on up to $12,500 spent in the first 6 months based on gas, grocery, and drugstore purchases.
- 1x reward points on other purchases.
- Earned points can enjoy 5 years.
- Lowest possible intro APR for 15 on balance transfers and purchases.
- $0 annual fee.
5. Wells Fargo Platinum Card
- longest intro APR for 18 months on purchases and balance transfers started from account opening
- $0 annual fee
6. Wells Fargo Cash Back CollegeSM Card
- Earned 3% cash rewards for up to $2,500 spent on gas, grocery, and drugstore purchases in the first 6 months.
- 1% cash rewards for other purchases
- $0 annual fee
Pre-qualify Wells Fargo Credit Card
Pre-qualified credit cards offer is most beneficial for new potential customers as it provides facilities for them. But unfortunately, Wells Fargo does not accept any prequalification request now which means currently you cannot obtain pre-qualify Wells Fargo credit card. Recently, Wells Fargo does not provide pre-qualify credit card offer online if you are not an existing customer or if you don’t have an account. If you are a non-customer of Wells Fargo, you can call them to inquire about a pre-qualify credit card.
Current or existing Wells Fargo’s customers should sign into their account and after that click the “View my credit options guide” and answer some basic question. If you see the “Product and Offers” option then click it to see any pre-qualified offers they have right now. In this case, as they have no facilities of pre-qualified offers right now, so there is no option to pre-qualify credit cards for bad credit. But you can get Wells Fargo pre approval credit card offer in the mail if they think that you might be a good fit for their cards. If you have a good or excellent credit scores you may qualify for preapproval. You can increase your chance of preapproval by boosting your credit score.
6 Best Alternative Banks That Have Pre-qualified Credit Cards Offer
There are many banks that offer pre-qualified credit cards, you can consider one of them, as Wells Fargo pre-qualified credit card offers are closed now. These Banks are.
1. American Express Pre-qualified Credit Card Offer
American Express Bank provides pre-qualified credit cards online. For example, if you want to pre-qualify for an Amex Card, simply enter your name and address with the last 4 digits of SSN in the Amex online prequalification tool. After that, click to view card offers. Then the Bank does a soft pull of your credit to determine the eligibility.
2. Capital One Bank Pre-qualified Credit Card Offer
Capital One has designed their credit card to help their customer life easier. They have a reward and cash back program and their redemption value is simple and straight forward. For pre-qualifying, Capital One does not require hard credit inquiry this means you are pre-qualify for financing.
3. HSBC Bank Pre-qualified Credit Card Offer
You cannot check pre-qualified credit card offers online in this Bank means they have no online tools. If you meet the criteria that they are searching for, then they will mail you pre-qualified offers. You have to maintain good to excellent credit score for getting HSBC’s credit card.
4. Citibank Pre-qualified Credit Card Offer
City bank also offers pre-qualified credit cards online. Visit their home page and log in, then you will see the links “City pre-qualify credit card offers”; Which are designed for two offers, one for pre-qualified credit card offers and another for personalized offer if you received an offer in the mail.
5. Chase Pre-qualified Credit Card Offer
You can check which Chase pre-qualify credit cards are available for you in two ways. In case, of the existing customers just log in and click on ‘’Your Offers’’. Another way is just go to Chase.com/prequalified to get Chase pre-qualify credit card offers.
6. Bank of America Pre-qualified Credit Card Offers
Here you can get a pre-qualified offer by logging your accounts or by providing personal information.
The 10 Easiest Credit Cards To Get Approved
Here are the lists of credit cards you can get approved easily. Let’s check:
- First Progress Platinum Select Secured Mastercard® (No Credit Check Needed)
- OpenSky® Secured Visa® Credit Card (No Credit Check Needed)
- American Express (Shows Card Numbers Instantly Upon Approval)
- The Indigo® Platinum Mastercard® (No Credit Check Needed)
- Credit One Bank® Visa Credit Card (300+ credit score – for bad/fair credit)
- Capital One® QuicksilverOne® Cash Rewards Credit Card (Credit Score: 580+)
- Capital One® Platinum Credit Card (Credit Score: 580+)
- Capital One® VentureOne® Rewards Credit Card (Credit Score: 670+)
- Capital One® Spark® Classic for Business(Fair credit or better:580+)
- Capital One® Spark® Cash Select for Business(Good credit or better:670+)
As you are not able to find pre-qualify Wells Fargo credit card, In this case, you can consider other Banks or options which will suitable for you. From the above list just do research and go with your convenient one. Thanks.