When it comes to making purchases, there are a plethora of options that you can consider. From using cash to using credit cards, there are many ways you can make payment for all the items you have bought from a particular retail store. However, most retail shops and online shops are now allowing the use of Visa gift cards. As a result, you do not have to carry cash in bulk in order to do your shopping. Although some people exhaust the balances in their Visa gift cards, there are some who still remain a balance in these cards. Supposing you had received many Visa gift cards, you may start wondering whether you can combine these balances and utilize them to purchase something significant. In this article, we shall take a closer look at whether you can combine Visa gift cards and other related ideas.
Also known as a gift token or a gift voucher, this is simply a substitute for credit cards, debit cards, or cash payments that allow shoppers to make purchases either at online stores or from their nearest retail stores.
Consequently, these cards can either be used both online and offline. There are basically two types of gift cards. These include physical gift cards and digital e-gift cards. However, these types are further subdivided into other categories such as;
- Open-loop gift cards
- Closed-loop gift cards
- Multi-store gift cards
Benefits of Using Visa Gift Cards
1. Allow you to enjoy easy and convenient shopping
Gift cards have proved to be very effective whenever it comes to shopping. From household items to electronics, there are many items one can purchase using a Visa gift card. In fact, most Americans and Canadians are now using gift cards to do their everyday shopping. When it comes to usage, you just need to visit the retail shop where the card is allowed and then do your shopping from there.
2. Helps to plan your budget
Whenever you want to buy a present for your loved one or a friend, you may end up digging deeper into your pocket unawares. This is because your desired present may cost a higher price than expected.
If you still want to purchase the present, you may have to strain your budget and maybe get into debt. However, with Visa gift cards, be sure that high spendings and bank overdrafts will be a thing of the past.
3. Helps you save more time when making purchases
Instead of moving from one store to another looking for a perfect gift for a friend or a loved one, you can now gift someone this card and let him or her purchase the item he or she pleases.
Whether it is a wristwatch or an appliance, he or she can redeem the card and purchase a wide range of items. This saves time that one could have used to purchase these items. The good news is that those who receive the card have up to 5 years to redeem it.
4. Reduces the delivery costs
Once you use the card to do your shopping, you will not incur an extra cost when it comes to delivery services. The total cost will be covered by the card and thus allow you to save more bulks.
5. Guilt-free spending
Whenever you choose to use cash to buy your desired items, sometimes you may feel guilty for spending a high amount of money on that item. While the item may be have been sold at a pocket-friendly price, there is always that feeling of guilt among many shoppers. To keep this feeling at bay, you should consider shopping using a Visa gift card.
Is It Possible To Combine Two Visa Gift Cards?
Like we have mentioned above, most people usually find themselves in a dilemma anytime they have unused balances on their gift cards. Assuming the balances present on their cards range from $1 to $4, some may feel that this balance is too small for them to walk to their nearest store and redeem them.
Sometimes, it may be very embarrassing trying to redeem such balances while other customers are queuing behind you. This is the reason why most shoppers look for techniques to combine their Visa gift cards and utilize the remaining balances as a whole. The good news is that this is practically possible. Here are the steps that can help you get started:
- Gather all your old gift cards that have balances on them. Remember that no balance is too small. Whether it is $1 or $5, all these balances are significant, and when combined, they can help you make a big purchase.
- Check the amount of balance on each card. This step is very critical if at all you want to combine all your Visa gift cards.
- Once you have the details about the balances present on each of your cards, time is ripe for you to log in to your Amazon account. After that, go to the page that has the gift card section.
- Choose Amazon ‘Reload balance page’.
- Once you are done, pick one gift card and type the exact amount you have in it.
- Click the ‘Buy now’ option and then choose the ‘Add card’ option.
- Here, you will be required to enter vital details about the card. These include the name on the card, its expiry date, and so forth. For optimal results, ensure that everything is correct. Once you are done, choose the ‘Add your card’ option.
- Key in your address information and then choose the ‘Use this Address’ button.
- After that click the ‘Add card’ option.
- By doing the above, you will see this message ‘Thank you, your reload order is placed’.
- Ensure that you repeat the process mentioned above for each of your gift cards that you have at home.
- Once you are done, you can now keep these cards away in a safe place to avoid further problems.
With all the balances present on your cards in one single location, you can now use them to buy what you want on Amazon. Like we mentioned above, there is no minimum amount that should be added to your balance. Whether your card has a balance of $2 or $7, be sure that you can add up all these balances and get a considerable balance that can be used in your next purchase.
Recommended Articles
- How to Transfer Visa Gift Card Balance to PayPal
- How to Transfer Money from Gift Card to Bank Account
Reasons Why Your Gift Card Was Rejected
There are many reasons why your gift card may have been rejected. Some of these reasons include:
- The balance on your card is too low
- Your prepaid card is not issued in the United States
- Your card has not been registered. In case this happens, it is important that let your card issuer have your billing address. To complete this undertaking, you should contact the phone number on the back of your card. Better still, visit your card issuer’s website and register.
- You purchase from merchants that are located outside the United States.
Final Words
Although you can visit your nearest brick-and-mortar business and utilize the remaining balances on your individual gift cards to purchase your desired item or service, it saves time to just combine your gift cards on Amazon and use them to purchase an item on that online store. All you need to do is to follow the steps mentioned above, and you will be good to go. Consider these ideas today, and you will save more on your next shopping.